A suite of lesson resources covering sources of food, including farmed, wild, home grown, farm reared, etc. Processing of foods which include primary, secondary and manufacturing products. Origin of foods also covered. Some independent research tasks included as well as a start and end point assessment activity. Power point presentation corresponds to the workbook provided for pupils. Should take two or three lessons, depending on ability and lesson length. Suitable for the New GCSE FP&N and also VCERT level 2.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Pasta and Noodles information, tasks and wordsearches in addition to some activities based around equipment and washing up (18 pages) some references to the textbook Skills in Food Technology by Jenny Ridgewell
How to select, prepare for planting and care for flowering bulbs. Research task and fill in the blanks pages as well as a match the picture to the name of the plant activity. 6 pages in all. Used for BTEC Land Based Studies - Level 1 with an Alternative Ed class and took 3 x75 minute lessons
Step by step instructions and ideas on how to reduce fat, reduce salt, reduce sugar and increase fibre. Also explains the effects of adding, removing or substituting ingredients on sensory properties of the final products. Pupil handout and information with linked activities and accompanying slideshow to engage and bring about discussion points. Practice task for pupils to reduce, replace, remove, increase and adapt method when looking at recipes.
I am using it for V Cert Food and Cookery and Food Prep and nutrition as well as GCSE Food Technology.
Two worksheets - protein foods from primary source to processed products (meat, fish and pulses) with sections for pupils to fill in. People and their protein needs - different groups of people and their needs, what does X amount of protein look like and a few questions for pupils to answer relating to protein. Good revision activity or to support GCSE Food Tech or Food and Nutrition exams or use with year 9,year 10 / y11
Adapted content for a KS4 Alternative Education class. Can be used to teach the basics to a KS3 class or for weaker KS4 with guidance. I allowed pupils to use the internet but textbooks are also helpful and an alternative option.
Worksheet for KS3 (I've also used it with year 10) should take around 75 minutes to complete. Pupils need access to The Food Book by Jenny Ridgewell. Worksheet for pupils to research recipes using eggs. Can use recipe books or internet to name the product and draw it in the box.
A to Z of ingredients and their functions split into two categories - main courses and cakes and deserts. Handy resource for GCSE and A level pupils to specify functions in products made. Costing booklet shows a variety of foods per 100g so easy to apply to different recipes.
Powerpoint Questions and answers in the form of slideshow. General topics in the form of a 9 page worksheet that pupils can use to cover some of the syllabus such as research, specifications, high risk foods, CAM and packaging and labeling. Also standard components, and multicultural foods and ingredients research. One practice QC / hygiene measures exercise. Can be used over several lessons, as a homework or as textbook exercises for cover lessons etc.
The up to date healthy eating guidelines. Filling in the blank spaces for each section. Colourful, informative and interactive. Answers included. May need to alter title to 'guide' from plate.
Facts on what they are and how they grow, filling in the missing words and also label diagrams with a short sequencing task on how seeds grow. Suitable for Land Based Studies and Horticulture / Gardening course. I use it for Level 2 Land Based studies BTEC class with guidance.
A fairly comprehensive list of countries / regions and what makes their cuisine unique. Categories such as the main carbohydrates, proteins and herbs and spices. The second sheet is an activity for pupils to consider the equipment (less familiar items) used to make multicultural products and the advantages. disadvantages, etc.
Fill in the blanks activity for how to choose, store and prepare vegetables. Quite a comprehensive worksheet that can be done as a group or individually. Different methods of chopping, slicing and dicing also covered.
A poster to put on the fridge in cookery classrooms to try and avoid the relentless questions about what should and should not be chilled. When space is at a premium in classroom fridges this will enable pupils to work out for themselves what goes where.
Food Hygiene Regulations and Acts of Parliament relating to the sale of food. Used as a resource and task for AS level or A2, pupils needs to do some research into the acts or can summarise from the information provided. Safer Food, Better Business, role of the EHO and Scores on the Doors Schemes are explained too. Packaging and labelling worksheet for law relating to food labelling and other related exercises on the functions of food labels.
Powerpoint and pupil worksheet for factors affecting dietary needs - looked at in detail by age groups (as per VCert in this case) but fairly generic for GCSE too. Babies and toddlers, Pre-school, primary school, teens, adults, older adults. Covers new Eatwell guide percentages, RI and then gender, activity level and state of health (lactose intolerance, allergies, CHD and coeliac)
7 pages with 9 tasks and practice questions linked to content. Information and activities relating to poultry - all types explained as well as activities for each section relating to nutritional composition, cuts of poultry, safe handling, storage and cooking, welfare issues and cooking methods. Links in well with commodity based study of new GCSE Food Prep and nutrition, catering and cookery. Focus on vocabulary with practice questions at the end. Good as independent work or a set of cover work lessons for KS4 / A Level (will need access to internet or textbooks and recipe books for some tasks)